Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Story of Keep Calm and Carry On

As we embark on this new adventure I thought I would share with you this lovely piece sent to me by my friend, Sharon Hewlett. It gives the background on the creation of this wonderful poster.
Thank you Sharon!

Countdown...76 days.

I am beginning to feel like I can't breathe. I am constantly thinking about what we need to pack for our mission. I think about it all day. I go to bed thinking about it, I wake up thinking about it. I think about it in the shower. I think about it when I am thinking about something else.
The movers come in two weeks to look over what we are taking and to give me an idea of how close I am to our weight limit. I have about three boxes right now...nice.

Aside from the packing...I am so excited to meet all of our missionaries. I hope that they will know how much we already love them.

Under Construction

We have been called to serve with the missionaries of the England London Mission beginning on July 1, 2012. Until then.....